
Information Session on a Proposed Framework for a Potential Pan-Canadian Formulary

Event Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET 
Zoom Webinar (Free — Registration Required) 

Join Dr. Alexandra King and Mr. Allen Lefebvre, Co-Chairs of the Pan-Canadian Formulary Advisory Panel, to discuss recommendations for the development of a framework for a potential pan-Canadian prescription drug list, or formulary. Heather Logan, Executive Strategy Lead for CADTH, will be moderating the discussion.  

The Advisory Panel, composed of the two co-chairs and 12 members recruited from across Canada bringing together a range of expertise and experience and representing diversity across gender, culture, and race, was established by CADTH at the request of Health Canada. The Advisory Panel has been meeting since the late summer and has developed an initial set of recommendations for feedback.  

The information session will focus on:  

  • principles for developing a potential pan-Canadian formulary framework  
  • creation of a proposed sample list of commonly prescribed drugs (and selected related products) as a test case based on a subset of therapeutic areas that could be included on a potential pan-Canadian formulary 
  • the proposed criteria and processes to expand the proposed sample list to other therapeutic areas, as well as guide how new products could be added, and a list be maintained over time.  

To participate, please register (there is no cost). After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the webinar. The webinar will be recorded and will be made publicly available for those unable to attend the live session. 

Link to registration form 

A discussion paper summarizing the Advisory Panel’s interim recommendations and proposed process will be posted on the CADTH website before the information session. The online consultation will be open for feedback from January 11, 2022 to February 25, 2022.  

For any questions about this event, please send your request by email to [email protected].