




Join us in September for one of the most significant health technology assessment conferences in the world!
Symposium 2024 is a 3-day hybrid event that gathers leaders from across Canada with expertise in policy, industry, health technology assessment, patient advocacy, medicine, public health, and communications. Attend in person at the Ottawa Shaw Centre or virtually!
The theme of Symposium 2024 is From Disruption to Opportunity: Embracing Change in Health Care.
Please watch this site for updates and subscribe to receive announcements by email.
The 2024 Symposium Attendee Hub is our web-based virtual platform for in-person and virtual attendees. From this site, you can view sessions, visit the virtual exhibit hall, and watch recordings after the conference is over.
Symposium 2024 is a must-attend event for producers and users of evidence-based information on drugs and health technologies and provides an outstanding forum for productive discussions and valuable information sharing. This world-class event offers a unique opportunity for attendees to learn from local, national, and international experts and to share expertise and knowledge.
We are in a period of extreme disruption to health care in Canada and globally. The convergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of artificial intelligence, changing demographics, patient and public expectations, and other factors is having a profound effect on the delivery and sustainability of health care.
At the same time, this disruption is creating opportunities for Canada’s Drug Agency and other HTA organizations and health care systems to innovate, adapt, and transform to meet the evolving needs of patients and decision-makers. We’ve seen increased adaptability throughout health care, accelerated innovation and research, improved collaboration and information sharing, and greater awareness of health disparities.
Symposium 2024 will delve into the strategies, technologies, and best practices that can help HTA providers and health care decision-makers navigate disruption and unlock new opportunities, including appropriate use of health technology.
Discover how embracing change can lead to innovative HTA methods, greater equity, enhanced patient care, and more effective use of data and analytics. Network with Canadian and international experts and forge valuable connections that can drive future collaborations and partnerships.
Watch Symposium 2023